Sunday, February 13, 2011

DCMS Basketball

Deep Creek Middle School (DCMS) is the site of the pick-up basketball game that Island School and CEI staff participate in.  Although not overly competitive, there is still a serious tone to the game and bragging rights for the winners.  I found myself in the middle of a 3-on-3 game and just tried to feel my way around the court and get used to the motions of a game I had not played since grade school.

Although we lost that first game, I found that moving, passing, dribbling, etc. all came back quickly.  I was feeling comfortable despite my rust and did my best to stay out of the way and to avoid contact.  In the process of avoiding contact and cutting to an open area of the court, I took a bad step and rolled my ankle.  Not only was there the intense searing pain from the roll, but I heard an additional pop that worried my greatly.

Immediately the game paused and the other players rushed in to help the best they could.  Sam ran down to his house and grabbed a cooler filled with frozen packs and some ice.  Ian got a towel to provide a soft place to rest the foot as I was still lying on the court clutching my lower leg.  Matt, my colleague in the math department, aided in getting me over to the picnic table at the side of the court.  Jake and Avery helped out with wrapping the ankle and getting me in a comfortable position.

Going into the dining hall with a busted ankle isn't much fun.  First, there are the 3 steps to climb before actually entering the facility.  Secondly, all eyes immediately turn to the crippled kid.  "What happened?" they all asked, and I proceeded to recount the details I could remember.  I showed off what looked like a third ankle bone, on the outside of the foot; below the ankle, but farther forward.  On a positive note, the most common response was, "Ouch, looks like it hurts, but I've seen worse."  This makes me feel good, but it's clearly a serious injury that will take time to heal properly.

Overall, it was a team effort.  I am grateful to everyone who helped out, and it is obvious that this is a community that takes care of their own under any circumstance.

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